Wednesday, August 5, 2009

And an email!

Matt's email home:

Hello everyone, today is my first P-day and my first chance to send email. My email is . I get 30 minutes of email once per week so they will have to be somewhat short. Things are going pretty well and my companion, Elder Hyer is great, as are the rest of the elders in my district (no sisters in my district, unfortunately). The food is good, and everything is pretty much good. There are many opportunities to feel the spirit and President Bateman, an emeritus seventy and the Provo Temple president, came and spoke to us yesterday and it was very powerful. Also, thank you for the letters and packages. Especially the packages. Thanks, Diane! Well my laundry is done and I have to go now, Bye!

Merrill's commentary:
We decided not to give out Matt's email as he has so little time with it each week, and frankly, we'd rather have him writing home!