Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cleveland Ohio!

The call was just opened, and Matt is called to the Ohio, Cleveland mission, English speaking. He leaves on July 29th!


  1. Me, cody and Alyssa so far are the only people to guess a country with two capitols. Me, Bolivia and Alyssa South Africa.

  2. OK, if we are not around PLEASE call my cell phone!!!!

  3. Please call me when he gets it!

  4. Matt got his call on Thursday June 4, 2009
    It's sitting on the counter waiting for him to open around midnight when he gets home from work and everyone else is home too.

    From: Cody

  5. We think we should get some kind of reward for living closest to where Matt will be serving. I mean, really, we're close enough that we could just show up for church one day. . .


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